What if I told you, 20 years ago, that
I was going to build a database that contained every single detail of
peoples lives; from their name, to their age, to their address. From
their place of business, to their friends, neighbors, family, and
acquaintances. It would have personal photographs, maps of their daily
routes, the places they frequent and play, their favorite restaurants
and coffee houses, movies, music, books, and TV shows.
It would be viewable by law
enforcement, employers, advertising agencies, and the federal
And then I told you that people would
willingly, happily, put all of that information into the database
Would you tell me I was crazy? If you
know where I'm going with this—and you probably should—then you
might say, no. But if you're old enough to remember the days before
Facebook, then you might be thinking to yourself, “Yeah, I would
have thought that was crazy 20 years ago.”
Welcome to the future, my friends!
I find it pretty interesting myself. Thinking about all of those people out there, just “checking
in” at every place they stop. Telling the whole world what they had
for lunch that day, or where they are going to be that night. Why?
Isn't that shit personal?
Apparently not.
Now, I know I'm not the first person to
think about this, and most certainly not the first to write about it
(though, to be honest, I've never read those writings. Just going by
the law of averages here.) But I've really been thinking about this a
lot lately, and I feel the need to get my thoughts on this subject
down, if for no other reason than to make my brain shut the fuck
up about it.
why? Why do people so willingly give up every single little detail
about their personal lives? I have a theory; I call it The Parim
Kardashiltian Effect. People are so desperate for
fame-for-the-sake-of-fame that they are willing to sacrifice all of
their personal privacy to attain even the merest hint of it.
see Kim and Paris being followed around by cameras every day being
“real” and think, “I want that.” They know no better, and
think the bile-inducing train wreck of these peoples lives is
something to be emulated, while those of us with functioning neurons
can only stand by and slowly shake our heads. And we are
the minority!
people believe they are such special, magical, one-of-a-kind, little
snowflakes that they honestly think the whole world wants, nay,
needs to know about
how delicious that ham sandwich they had for lunch was. They use the
GPS in their phones to map out every place they stop, but shit their
pants when they find out that their faggoty ass iPhone has a “secret”
text file that can be accessed by anyone with a computer.
You document every detail of your life in an easily accessible online
database and then freak out when you learn that if someone physically
gets ahold of your device they can open a text file detailing the
different sites on the route you just uploaded to the net via your
would you care about that when anyone with an internet connection can
just go to www.Facebook.com/idontunderstandirony
and see what you were up to that day?
are already numerous documented cases of stalking, harrassment, and
people announcing their plans to take a week-long vacation, then
coming home to find they've been robbed.
was that? Not you? Your account is private, you say? Oh really. How
private? Can friends of friends view your profile? Just friends? How
big is your friends list? It's over 9000?!!!
Or, maybe it's not.
Maybe you have a reasonable amount of friends, who you know and
trust, and only they can view your profile. OK. What about the cops?
Or the FBI? Or the CIA? What about them? You think you can hold up
Facebook's privacy policy like a sacred shield and prevent a federal
agency from peeping on your shit? In a country where we have the
Patriot Act, warrantless wiretapping, and the ability to indefinitely
detain an American Citizen on the mere suspicion of “terrorist
Yeah, sure, go
ahead and think that.
Look, I don't want
to come off like some conspiracy-theory-spouting tinfoil-hat crazy,
but as a realist who has, more than once, come a hairs-breadth from deleting the
profile I haven't updated in years; I can't say that I am
comfortable with the amount of information I have already shared, and
even that is infinitesimal compared to what most people are putting
out on a daily basis.
When I think of
Facebook nowadays I can't help but conjure post-cold war,
pre-internet images of government offices with rows and rows of
filing cabinets, all with countless manila folders inside, and one of
them has your name on it.
Back then it was
scary. Now, it's just a status update.
Status: Read this while taking a shit. - (Checking in from Drop-a-Duece Inc.)